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- Hints for Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
- Brought to you by Elvis Presley
- Call The 2nd Foundation (216)871-8129
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- ------------ DAY 1
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop
- Hint:
- Every morning read the paper by the coffeepot for hints on things to do every
- day. On the table you can find a magnifying glass and tweezers. On the top left
- shelf of the bookshelves on the back wall you can find a book by "Heinz
- Ritter". On the right top shelf of the bookshelves there is a book on Snakes.
- Read both books. On the book shelf under the window you can find a
- German/English dictionary. Open the cash register and get a gift certificate.
- Use the "Question" icon on Grace, and ask her for messages. This will put the
- Police Station and Grandma Knight's place on your map. Later in the day, you
- will need to ask Grace to do some research on Malia Gedde. (This triggers the
- end of the day.)
- Problem:
- Grandma Knight's house.
- Hint:
- Use the "Question" icon on Grandma Knight, and ask about "Family" and "Family
- Members". This will put the cemetery on the French Quarters Map. Go to the
- attic and take the sketchbook. Put the "operate" icon on the clock. You will
- see a close-up of the clock. Move the hands to 3:00 with the move icon. Move
- the outer circle until the dragon is at the top of the clock. Use "Operate" on
- the windup key. This will open the bottom drawer of the clock. Take the photo
- and letter. Open your inventory to look at the photo and read the letter.
- Reading the letter adds "Heinz Ritter" in Grandma's topic and adds
- "shattenjager" to Global topics. Go ask Grandma about Heinz Ritter.
- Problem:
- Police Station
- Hint:
- Ask the desk sergeant about Mosely. He will give you an envelope from Mosely.
- Go into inventory and open the envelope to reveal a murder photo and Mosely's
- graduation picture.
- Problem:
- Mosely's Office
- Hint:
- Ask Mosely about the patterns at the crime scene, this will put "Other
- Patterns" in the topic menu. He will tell you about six other partial patterns.
- Ask about them. This will let you know that Officer Franks has the "case file".
- Go talk to Officer Franks and have her pull the case file for you.
- Problem:
- How can I get a copy of the Crime Scene file?
- Hint:
- Request another photo of Mosely with you for your book. Officer Franks will
- come in to take the photo. At this point use the dialogue choice to leave the
- room, (Hold on a sec while I go check my hair.) Once you leave, take the file
- out of the in box at officer Franks desk, and make a photo copy. (This puts
- veve copy in your inventory.) Then go back in for your picture with Mosely. If
- you steal the file, officer Franks will no longer talk with you.
- Problem:
- Jackson Square
- Hint:
- Go to the Northwest room of Jackson Square, and walk close to the mime. You
- will notice he follows whoever walks closely to him. Get the mime to follow you
- by walking up to him. It is somewhat difficult to make him follow you. Every
- time someone walks close enough he will follow them, so avoid other people if
- you can. Once you get him to follow you, go to the motorcycle cop. The mime
- will make fun of the cop and the cop will chase him out of the picture. When
- the cop is gone, use the "operate" icon on his motorcycle radio. This will give
- you the "Crime Scene" on your greater New Orleans Map.
- Problem:
- Lake Pontchartrain
- Hint:
- Look at the veve marks on the ground. This will add "Patterns" to Mosely's
- topic. Use the magnifying glass on the marks in the grass. The grass is on the
- right side corner by the tree. This will give you a close-up of a snake scale.
- Use the tweezers on the snake scale. This adds "snakes" to the topic menu. Use
- the sketchbook on the pattern that surrounded the body. This puts "lake
- pattern" in inventory. Take some clay by the waters edge.
- Problem:
- Dixieland Drugstore
- Hint:
- Look at the sign. This adds "St. John's Eve" to the topic menu. Use the murder
- photo on Willy, "the store owner," or ask about Voodoo Murders. This adds
- "Cabrit Sans Cor" to the topic menu.
- ------------ DAY 2
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop
- Hint:
- At the beginning of the day read your newspaper. At the end of the day, if you
- were able to observe Madam Cazaunoux at the Dixieland Drug Store, use the
- "Question" icon on Grace, and request research on Madam Cazaunoux.
- Problem:
- Police Station
- Hint:
- Use the "Question" icon on the desk sergeant and ask about Mosely. When he lets
- you go in to see Mosely, change the temperature controls to 75 or hotter with
- the operate icon.
- Problem:
- Mosely's Office.
- Hint:
- When you see Mosely use the "Question" icon on him and request some coffee.
- Mosely will have his jacket off because it is so hot. When Mosely leaves, take
- his badge from his jacket that is on the chair.
- Problem:
- Jackson Square
- Hint:
- At the North East section of Jackson Square watch the artist lose his picture.
- Give your "gift certificate" that you found in your cash register to the hot
- dog vendor. This will give you a hot dog in your inventory. Give the hot dog to
- the young boy dancing. Use the talk icon on the boy and select from the dialog
- choices a request for the drawing. The boy will retrieve the the drawing for
- you. Return the drawing to the artist. Give the artist the six patterns that
- you received from Mosely. Use the lake pattern on the artist. The artist will
- then try to reconstruct the total picture for you.
- Problem:
- Gedde's Mansion
- Hint:
- Use the "Operate" icon on the door knocker. Use the "Question" icon on Malia
- Gedde. Ask her about voodoo two times, ask her about "Lake Pontchartrain" then
- flirt with her. You will need to flirt with her until she has you kicked out of
- the house. You must get kicked out of the house to end the day.
- Problem:
- Voodoo Museum
- Hint:
- At the Voodoo Museum, ask Dr. John about voodoo. This adds "historical/current
- voodoo" to the topic menu. Ask him about current voodoo until the messages
- repeat. This adds "Moonbeam's" to the French Quarter Map. Ask about historical
- voodoo until he tells you about Marie Laveau. This adds "Marie Laveau" to the
- topic menu. Ask about Marie Laveau. This adds " St. Louis Cemetery" to the
- topic menu.
- Problem:
- St. Louis Cemetery
- Hint:
- Ask the watchman at the cemetery about "Marie Laveau, until the messages
- repeat. This adds "Other voodoo marked tombs" to the topic menu. Ask the
- watchman about other voodoo tombs. Look at the Laveau tomb wall. Use the sketch
- book on the crosses on the tomb. This adds "voodoo code 1" to inventory. You
- must visit the Gedde tomb and have a confrontation with Malia Gedde.
- Problem:
- Moonbeam's House
- Hint:
- Ask Moonbeam about "voodoo, and St. John's Eve". This adds "animal masks" to
- the topic menu. Ask about snakes to add "Grimwald" to the topic menu. Ask
- Moonbeam about Grimwald and select the demonstration request. Moonbeam will
- demonstrate her dancing with her snake "Grimwald". While she is dancing, go to
- Grimwald's cage and take the snake skin. Take the coded voodoo message from
- your inventory and Moonbeam will translate the codes for you. Compare the snake
- scales in inventory by using the magnifying glass.
- Problem:
- Dixieland Drugstore
- Hint:
- At the Dixieland Drugstore watch Madame Cazaunoux. This adds "Cazaunoux", to
- the topic menu. Ask Willy about "animal masks", then ask about "Willy Jr.".
- Willy will tell you how much he wants for the Crocodile mask, ($100).
- ------------ DAY 3
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop
- Hint:
- Ask Grace for messages, and Ritter's phone number. Read the newspaper. This
- adds "Tulane U" to the Greater New Orleans map. A neighboring shop owner will
- come in to ask about buying your painting. Sell the painting to him for $100.
- If you have the sketch from the artist, return later in the day and use the
- "Question" icon on Grace. Ask her to do some research on the "pattern".
- Problem:
- Gabriel's Studio Room early on day 3
- Hint:
- Get the Hair Gel out of the medicine cabinet. Use the "Operate" icon on the
- phone. Use the phone to call Cazaunoux's house, at 555-1280. At the end of your
- conversation with the lady, you will hear the dog barking and she will call her
- dog by name. Call the vet at 555-6170 from the phone book page. Tell the
- assistant about dog dancing lessons. If you have Cazaunoux's address, you will
- now have "Madam Cazaunoux's House" on the French Quarter Map. Later in the day
- ask Grace two times for your messages. She will give you Ritter's phone number
- Call Ritter in Germany at 49-09-324-3333.
- Problem:
- Dixieland Drug Store
- Hint:
- At the Dixieland Drug Store buy the Crocodile Mask for $100. Read the sign to
- add "Gambling Oil" to your inventory.
- Problem:
- Jackson Square
- Hint:
- Go to the Northeast corner of Jackson Square and get the reconstructed veve
- from the artist. Go to the Northwest portion of the park and watch the Fortune
- Teller. She will start to dance. As she is dancing, touch her. She will drop
- her veil. Take the veil and use the magnifying glass on the veil. Take the
- scale with the tweezers. Give the veil back to the Fortune Teller and she will
- read Gabe's fortune. Compare the snake scales in your inventory later.
- Problem:
- Mosely's office
- Hint:
- Watch the interview between Mosely and Crash.
- Problem:
- Tulane University
- Hint:
- Watch the lecture. This will put "Animal Masks" in the topic menu. In Hart's
- office, ask him about "Cabrit Sans Cor". Show him the murder photo. This will
- add "Black Voodoo" to the topic menu. Ask Hart about Black Voodoo and St.
- John's Eve. Show Hart the pattern sketch that the artist made for you. He will
- make a copy of it to aid you in your research.
- Problem:
- St. Louis Cathedral
- Hint:
- Enter the priest's Ready Room. Take the priest's collar and the priest's shirt.
- Problem:
- How do I get in to talk with Madam Cazaunoux?
- Hint:
- Use the Hair Gel, priest's collar and shirt. Madam Cazaunoux's will let you in
- and will talk with you. You can find the Hair Gel in your medicine cabinet. The
- priest's collar and shirt can be found at the church.
- Problem:
- Madam Cazaunoux's house
- Hint:
- Ask Madam Cazaunoux about "Cabrit Sans Cor". She will not talk about it unless
- you already know what Cabrit Sans Cor stands for. Dr. Hart can explain it to
- you. Select "Goat without horns" from the topic menu. This adds "human
- sacrifice" to the menu. Ask her about human sacrifice. This adds "real voodoo
- queens" to the menu. Ask her about real voodoo queens. This adds "secret voodoo
- hounfour" to the global menu. Ask about the secret voodoo hounfour and she will
- show you a snake bracelet. You will need to use the lake clay on the bracelet
- to form a mold. If you don't get the bracelet mold the first time, try again.
- Problem:
- Napoleon House
- Hint:
- Ask the Bartender about "voodoo" and about "Bar Patrons" (twice). Ask about
- "Sam and Voodoo". Talk to Sam. He won't talk to you unless you put "Gris Gris"
- Gambling Oil on him. Answer him with the correct dialog responses. 1. Ever
- wonder why Markus wins every time? 2. This is powerful Voodoo Oil. 3. This
- Voodoo Oil could make a nun get lucky. Sam will win the chess game and will
- tell you that he will help you any time you need a favor. If you have the snake
- bracelet mold, give it to Sam and he will make a copy of the bracelet for you.
- Problem:
- Cemetary
- Hint:
- To end Day 3, you must go to the cemetary and visit the Gedde Tomb. You will
- have a confrontation with Malia Gedde.
- ------------ DAY 4
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop
- Hint:
- Read the newspaper. Get the veve clippings from Grace. Ask Grace about the
- veve. When you return later in the day ask for research on "Rada Drums".
- Problem:
- Napoleon House
- Hint:
- Get your new snake bracelet from Sam.
- Problem:
- Jackson Square
- Hint:
- Go to the "Overlook" on the French Quarter map. Click the "Operate" icon on the
- binoculars and watch Jackson Square. Observe the drummer and another man
- speaking to him. Go to Jackson Square and follow the man into the Cathedral.
- Problem:
- Cathedral
- Hint:
- Use the snake bracelet on Crash to make him talk. Ask Crash about the Drummer.
- This adds "Rada Drums" to the topic menu. Ask Crash about "Voodoo Hounfour".
- After Crash dies, look at him to get a close up. Use the "Open" icon on Crash's
- shirt. This will reveal a snake tattoo. Use the sketchbook on Crash's tattoo.
- This adds "tattoo tracing" to your inventory.
- Problem:
- Gabe's Studio
- Hint:
- Call Wolfgang.
- Problem:
- Why won't Day 4 end?
- Hint:
- Day 4 will not end if you haven't asked Grace about the veve, opened the clock
- at Grandma's or had Moonbeam translate the voodoo code.
- ------------ DAY 5
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop
- Hint:
- Read the newspaper. Ask Grace to do "Research" on Rada Drums. Get the veve
- clippings, Gunter's Journal and letter from Grace. Read the letter and journal
- from Gunter Wolfgang.
- Problem:
- Voodoo Museum
- Hint:
- When you are attacked by the snake at the museum, turn on the electrical switch
- by the door. The snake hates the sound of the fan and will leave. You must turn
- the switch on immediately or you will die.
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop after visiting the Museum
- Hint:
- After you visit the museum, Grace will find a scale on your clothing. She will
- deposit it in an ashtray on her desk. Take it with the tweezers. Compare all of
- the snake scales. Two of the scales will look the same.
- Problem:
- Tulane University
- Hint:
- View the close-up of Hart. Take Hart's notes on his desk.
- Problem:
- St. Louis Cemetery
- Hint:
- Use your sketchbook on the cemetary tomb wall to get a new voodoo code. Use the
- voodoo message on the voodoo codes that Moonbeam translated for you. There are
- a some letters that Moonbeam did not recognize but if you read the message you
- can tell what they are. Letters Y, U and M. Use the brick on the wall to leave
- your own message on the wall. Leave the message: "DJ bring sekey madoule" in
- code.
- Problem:
- Mosely's Office
- Hint:
- Use the "Question" icon on Mosely and ask him about reopening the case. To
- convince him, show him the reconstructed veve, Hart's notes and the newspaper
- article. Make sure you have matched the snake scales from the lake and the
- museum by magnifying them in your inventory (they will appear as a single
- inventory item). Show him the snake scales. All of this new evidence will cause
- Mosely to reopen the case.
- ------------ DAY 6
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop
- Hint:
- Read your morning paper. Talk to Grace. Notice that someone has left you an
- envelope at your door. Take the envelope and read the note inside. This will
- give you a letter and key in your inventory. Use the tattoo tracing on Grace.
- Tell Grace you are going to a party. Ask her if she is jealous. She will then
- put the tattoo on you.
- Problem:
- Jackson Square
- Hint:
- Talk to the Beignet Vendor. Tell him to return to the police station as part of
- his route. Use the Rada Drum book on the Drummer. This will allow you to
- interpret and send drum messages. The first page of symbols are used for the
- main part of the message. Choose "Call Conclave". Turn the page to the
- available times. Choose "Tonight". The third page tells where. Choose "Swamp".
- Once you have assembled your message, use the icon bar to select exit. If you
- make a mistake you can go to the icon bar to erase it and try again. The entire
- message should be: Call Conclave - Tonight - Swamp. This will put Bayou St.
- John on your Greater New Orleans map.
- Problem:
- How do I enter Mosely's office if he is not there?
- Hint:
- Either wait for the desk sergeant to go out for Beignets or wait for him to
- fall asleep. You may then enter Mosely's office.
- Problem:
- Mosely's office
- Hint:
- Use the "open" icon on his desk drawer and look in the drawer. Take the
- tracking device.
- Problem:
- Voodoo Museum
- Hint:
- Go to the Voodoo Museum and place the tracking device in the "Sekey Madoul",
- the little ritual coffin.
- Problem:
- Bayou St. John
- Hint:
- Make sure Grace gave you a tattoo and that you put the signal device in the
- museum coffin. Make sure you left a message on the tomb in the cemetary to call
- the gathering. Make sure to turn the tracker on. Use the tracker on Gabriel.
- Note the tracker on the lower portion of your screen. Follow the signal until
- you find the glow of the ceremonial fire. Use the crocodile mask on Gabe, and
- enter the ritual circle. Choose the dialogue choices: "Damballah" and Ogoun
- Badagris".
- ------------ DAY 7
- Problem:
- Gabriel's Studio
- Hint:
- Read the daily newspaper. Take the flashlight from the dresser. Use the
- "Operate" icon on the phone to call Ritter. Ask about "Tetelo". This adds
- "Talisman" to your topic choices. Ask about "Talisman". This adds "Tetelo's
- Remains" to the topic menu. Ask about "Tetelo's Remains". This adds "Africa
- Homeland" to the topic menu. Ask about "Africa Homeland". Later in the day,
- when you've decided to visit Germany, use the "Operate" icon on the phone and
- dial the travel agent's number. The number is on the phone page in your
- inventory. The number is 585-1130. Select Germany as your destination. Use
- Mosely's credit card to pay for your tickets. This puts "New Orleans
- International Airport" on the Greater New Orleans Map.
- Problem:
- St. Louis Cemetery
- Hint:
- Use the "Operate" icon on the button under the plate on the Gedde tomb. Inside
- the tomb, select the flashlight from your inventory. Double click on the
- flashlight to turn it on. Use the "Open" icon on the veve Pattern drawer. You
- will be knocked out. Once you wake up, open the drawer. You will get a close-up
- of the drawer and see a wallet. Take the wallet. Open your inventory and use
- the "Open" icon on the wallet. This will put the "Credit Card", in your
- inventory. Use the "Operate" icon on the button on the wall to open the door of
- the tomb.
- Problem:
- Wolfgang's Bedroom
- Hint:
- Use the "Look" icon on the Lintels on top of the carved doors, just below the
- Lion's heads. This will add "Portal Poem" to the topic menu.
- Problem:
- Great Hall and Chapel
- Hint:
- Use the "Question" icon on Gerde and ask about the "Portal Poem". She will
- translate the poem to English. After visiting the Chapel, ask her about the
- "Chapel Panels". This will add "Initiation Ceremony" to the topic menu. Ask
- Gerde about the Ceremony.
- Problem:
- How do I perform the Initiation Ceremony?
- Hint:
- In Wolfgang's Bedroom use the "Operate" icon on the windows to open them. Use
- the "Operate" icon on the snow to wash your hands. Pickup the "scissors" and
- use them on Gabriel. Take the "chamber pot". Use the "Open" icon on the Scroll
- Case and take the "scroll". Go to the Great Hall and take the large "knife"
- hanging on the stair case wall. Take the "salt" on the floor. Enter the Chapel
- and put the chamber pot on the alter. Put salt in the chamber pot. Use the
- knife on Gabriel. Use the "Operate" icon on the altar. With Gabriel kneeling in
- front of the altar, use the scroll on Gabriel. Once you have completed the
- Initiation Ceremony the day will end.
- ------------ DAY 8
- Problem:
- Wolfgang's Bedroom
- Hint:
- When you wake up on day 8 you will see a key sitting on the chest by the bed.
- Take this key and open the carved doors. This will lead into a secret library.
- Problem:
- The Secret Library
- Hint:
- Look at the center bookcase on the back wall. Take the "People's Republic"
- book. Use the "Look" icon on the far right bookcase to find "The Primal Ones"
- book. Look at the left wall bookcase for the "Ancient Roots of Africa" book.
- Look at the far left bookcase for the "Sun Worshippers" book. Look at the lower
- far right bookcase for the "Ancient Digs of Africa" book. Once you have located
- and looked at all five books, the "Snake Mound Book" will appear in your
- inventory.
- Problem:
- How do I travel to Africa?
- Hint:
- Use the "Snake Mound Book" on Gerde. Select "Use Mosely's Credit Card" in the
- dialogue so Gerde will place some calls for you. This will put "Africa" on the
- Global map. You will then proceed to Africa.
- ------------ DAY 9
- Problem:
- Outer Snake Mound Rooms
- Hint:
- The cave room are connected in a circle like a clock. The rooms are numbered 1
- - 12. Find the "Snake Rod" in the third room to the left from the entrance. The
- entrance is room 6. Use the "Pick Up" icon on the "Snake Tiles" in each of the
- 12 rooms. There are a total of 12 tiles. You cannot take tiles 7 and 12. The
- room with the face carved into the wall is room number 7. Each tile has a
- number of snakes corresponding to the number of each room. Match each tile with
- the correct tile spot. Once you have the tiles in place, go to room number 3.
- Be sure to save your game. Use the Snake Rod on the Snake Tile. This wakes the
- dead guards. You must run "clock wise" to room number 7 without getting caught.
- In room number 6 you will be confronted by several guards. The only way past
- them is to use the "Operate" icon on the vine hanging down in the middle. Gabe
- will swing out and knock over one of the guards. In room 7, Wolfgang will
- appear. He will hold off the guards while you use the "Snake Rod" on tile
- number 7. This will operate the secret passage to the "Inner Snake Mound Room".
- Problem:
- Inner Snake Mound Room
- Hint:
- Look at the carvings around the bottom of the Snake Table. Look at the
- indentations at the top of the table. Use the "Pick Up" icon on the "iron bars"
- on the wall behind the table. Take both bars. Use the "Operate" or "Move" icon
- on the bars to put them on the Snake Table. Go to the west side of the room and
- use your "Knife" on the dead guard. Take his heart. You will not be able to
- prevent Uncle Wolfgang being killed. Take the "Talisman" from inside the Snake
- Table.
- ------------ DAY 10
- Problem:
- St. George's Book Shop
- Hint:
- Take the newspaper. Take the note on Grace's desk. Read the note. You will find
- that Grace has been kidnapped.
- Problem:
- Gabriel's Studio
- Hint:
- Ask about "Making a Plan". Ask about "Grace". Ask about the "Secret Voodoo
- Hounfour". Return to the book shop.
- Problem:
- How do I enter the "Secret Voodoo Hounfour"?
- Hint:
- Go to St. Louis Cathedral and enter the far right confessional. Use the "Snake
- Rod" on the "Knothole" on the back wall. Place the "Snake Rod" under the bench,
- and place the "Signal Device" under the bench. Enter the Elevator Ante Chamber.
- Problem:
- Supply Room #7
- Hint:
- The Secret Hounfour is built in the shape of a clock. The Ceremonial Room is in
- the center. Each of the rooms have a number over the door. Go to door #7. Use
- the "Pick Up" icon on the "Mask and Robes" two times. You should then have two
- sets of robes and masks.
- Problem:
- Cartel Business Room #4
- Hint:
- Use the "Look" icon on the desk. Take the "Record Book". Read the book. Note
- the codes.
- Problem:
- Dr. John's Room #2
- Hint:
- Watch Dr. John praying to his gods. Notice the key hanging from the far wall.
- Do not enter the room. Go to the Ceremonial room. Use the "Operate" icon on the
- drums. Construct a message to call Dr. John. Select "Summon". Select the "next
- book". Select "Brother Eagle" from this book. Select "Exit" from the icon bar.
- Dr. John will leave his room. Go the hallway. Do not exit towards Room #2. You
- have about 10 seconds to go to Dr. John's room, get the key and return to the
- hallway before Dr. John returns.
- Problem:
- Money Room #1
- Hint:
- You need Dr. John's Key Card to enter this room. Once inside, use the "Pick Up"
- icon on the "Stacks of Money" until you can carry no more.
- Problem:
- Disposal Room #11
- Hint:
- Use the key from Dr. John's room to enter. Once you are in the room just look
- around.
- Problem:
- Guest Room #8
- Hint:
- Use the "Key" from Dr. John's room to open room #8, here you will find Grace.
- Use the Talisman on Grace to revive her. Use the Mask and Robes on Mosely, then
- on yourself.
- Problem:
- The Final Confrontation
- Hint:
- When Tetelo comes to sacrifice Grace, use the Talisman on Tetelo. Toss the the
- Talisman to Mosely. Once Tetelo grabs Gabriel, use the "Pick Up" icon on the
- "Stone Idol". The stone idol will appear under the ceremonial table. At this
- point you have two options to end the game. First, betray Malia and use the
- knife on her. Then you can either do nothing, or use the "Pick Up" icon on
- Malia while she is hanging in the pit. Either choice will lead you to The End.
- Notes: I got this directly off of The Sierra BBS, and although I edited out
- the prompts and stuff, it's exactly what was up there (unless I accidentally
- deleted something). Anyhow, great game, hope you enjoy it.